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Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)07:56 No.63837921
山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
"Art is a faculty which does not require craft." Furtwängler {I can't actually find this quote anywhere, the only instances of it in Japaneese are Yamakan's fucking tweet!}

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
People just go totally crazy over the craft part.

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_090
It's just so incredibly tacky when stylishness is disconnected [from substance/the rest of the work].

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
Well, whatever. It's futile to expect anything from anime. That goes both for the creators and the viewers.

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
Must be a result of people being coddled by the internet. All these people online just wag their tails and forget what they should be doing.

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
Well, I guess it is true that you "reap what you sow."

山本寛 ‏ @yamacane_0901
But, you know, it'd be hilarious if people who were wildly praising the exploits of Mr. Dezaki are praised anime today.{whoops got that wrong when I skimmed it, but whatever}

>> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)08:01 No.63838036
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>Well, whatever. It's futile to expect anything from anime
oh you!

>> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)08:03 No.63838088
>But, you know, it'd be hilarious if people who were wildly praising the exploits of Mr. Dezaki are praised anime today.
What does he mean by this?

>> Anonymous 04/06/12(Fri)08:31 No.63838621
>Must be a result of people being coddled by the internet. All these people online just wag their tails and forget what they should be doing.
Says the guy who does nothing but whine on the internet and complain when people don't like him.